Nadia Hunter

After One Year
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Councillor Hunter One Year Reflections

Councillor Hunter at Victoria Conference Centre
Nadia Hunter
Susan Point spindle whorl in background.

In October 2006, I participated in the Union of BC Municipalities 103rd annual convention, which was held in Victoria. The theme of the conference was embracing social, economic, environmental and cultural sustainability with balanced programs. I along with the rest of Merritt's civic leaders, met with Cabinet Ministers and the Premier.  As we discussed various isues, sustainable communities was a focus for me during the meetings with government and municipal officials.  

In 2005, I was elected into Merritt City Council during BC's municipal elections in November.  One of the areas I really like to promote is women in leadership and governance. I am the first Aboriginal person to be elected into Merritt City Council and I am happy to be one of the very few women elected into this municipal government.  In addition, I am actively engaged in our community. I sit on various committees and meet with the public on a regular basis.   

I am of Okanagan, Thompson and Scottish Descent.  My family and I live right here in the Country Music Capital of Canada.

Currently, I work with the school district and my previous experience is in fisheries, forestry and ecosystems. I bring to Merritt City Council a unique perspective including conservation and protection of natural resources, First Nations' concerns, and youth concerns. As a person raising a family here in Merritt and the Nicola Valley, I really want to promote and encourage a healthy community for all of us.

Please visit the other pages in my website for more information.

PO Box 374 * Merritt BC * Canada * V1K 1B8